Kids Links

The White House
Location and History of the White House, About Our President, White House Kids and Pets, Write the President

U.S. Treasury
Tours & Treasures, History, About Savings Bonds, Know Your Money, Bond Calculator, Dog of the Month, Bond Wizard

Florida State Legislature
About Your Legislature, Capital History, Capital Tour, State Symbols, Fun Facts, and More

The Smithsonian
National Museum of Natural History, National Museum of History, National Air and Space Museum, Resources and Tours, Events and Activities

Department of State- Kids' Page
Florida Government, Facts, Symbols, Folklife, Shipwrecks, and Museums

Social Security Administration
Explanation of Social Security, Social Security and Work, Saving Money through stories

FBI Kid's and Youth Educational Page
Crime Detections, Crime Prevention, Special Junior Agent Program, Games

Ben's Guide Logo Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids
These pages explain the process for Federal Officials.


National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Kid's Page
This website offers children a chance to play games, solve problems and riddles and various other fun things.

United States Environmental Protection Agency- Explorer's Club
This site allows children to learn about the environment and ways to keep it safe for the future.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Welcome for Kids
NASA offers a site geared towards the education of children interested in the space program

Kids Voting USA
This website provides children a chance to vote online.

Rock The Vote
Rock the Vote is a program that has teamed up with MTV and has given young adults the information and outlet to voice their views about the voting process.

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